Title: KATHMANDU Memories Over Time 1973-2018 map mouse – Books Himalaya
Author: Fritz Berger
Publisher: Map House
ISBN:- 9789937783309
Pages:- 208
Edition: 2024
Language: English
Bound: Hard Cover
This book is an interesting unique collection of photos taken from 1973-2018. It’s fascinating to see how cities and their inhabitants change over time. Kathmandu Valley is the Historically and culturally rich area, so the photos capture a lot of important moments and changes.
It’s amazing to think about how much can change in a city over course of 45 years. there are changes in architecture, technology, fashion, and even social and political climate. The photos show how people adapted to these changes over time.
Since the book focuses on two specific cities within the Kathmandu Valley (Kathmandu and Patan); it’s possible to see how the lifestyles and cultures of these two cities have evolved over time. It’s interesting to compare and contrast their similarities and differences.
Overall, this book is a great resource for anyone interested in the history and culture of Kathmandu Valley.
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