Title: – Everest and Oyu (Cho Oyu)
Subtitle: -my own story
Author: – Miroslav Caban
ISBN:- 99933-47-18-3
Pages: – 182
Edition: – 2005
Language: – English
Bound: – Hard Cover
Short Intro:
Everest and Oyu…
To all lovers of nature, adventure, and adrenaline sports!
You hold in your hand a book that was written because of my desire to share with others the kind of experiences that every mountain climber dreams of. This book is addressed not only to mountain climbers, but to all who would imagine themselves in our shoes, struggling over the ice, snow, and rocks. For some of you, my story can light the way forward on your own path to the endless circle of the great mountains.
Understand, however, that there’s no going back. Once you’ve gotten the urge, you’ll soon find that hardly a day goes by when you won’t find yourself, for a little while, in your mind’s eye, somewhere far away. Your soul has gone wandering again, back to the thing it loves, a love that is boundless.
My aim has been to describe the preparations, everyday concerns, and difficulties of the entire journey in as much detail as possible. You’ll go back day by day with me on our expedition, planning it and living it as we did. I wish you a pleasant time, re-living alongside us those sixty-five days of audacity in the face of nature, which in the end tolerated my presumption, and permitted me to climb to the top of the Goddess Mother of the Earth:
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One comment on “Everest and Oyu (Cho Oyu)”
Sean August 24, 2013 at 2:07 am
Hi, I would like to buy the book Everest & Cho Oyu by miroslav caban. Do you ship to Auatralia? If so how much do I need to pay?
Kind Regards,