Title: Eastern Nepal
Subtitle: White Water Rafting & Kayaking
Scale: 1:500 000
Longitude: 85° 30′ – 88° 00′
Latitude: 26° 30′ – 28° 00′
Altitude Range: 550 – 4000
Difficulty: Moderate/Strenous
Organization: Individual/Group
Route :
Edition: September 2011
ISBN: 978-99933-47-87-3
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2 comments on “Eastern Nepal (white water rafting map)”
Joan Garriga February 26, 2019 at 8:52 am
Desearia comprar un mapa del Estern Nepal – White Water Kayak.
Cual es el coste y su envio a España?
David Lew August 18, 2014 at 12:17 am
Is there a timeline on this map for receiving it in the USA? Price? Any additional information would be fantastic!